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Supplier Sustainability Policy

of identytag GmbH



For identytag GmbH, the fundamental principles outlined in the United Nations Global Compact serve as the basis for our actions. With the Supplier Sustainability Policy of identytag GmbH, we actively promote sustainable business practices. This policy serves as the foundation for the economic, environmental, and social responsibility of identytag GmbH. Furthermore, we urge our suppliers to establish codes of conduct for themselves and their employees, outlining requirements for ethical and sustainable behavior, and to enforce compliance. It is the responsibility of the supplier to transmit and promote adherence to the principles outlined in this policy throughout their own supply chain to the best of their ability. identytag GmbH expects its suppliers to adhere to the following principles:


Code of Conduct towards competitors, business partners, and third parties

Competition law and antitrust law
Our suppliers engage in fair competition and adhere to applicable antitrust laws. They avoid conflicts of interest concerning the observance of prevailing norms for fair business practices and fair advertising, as well as the equal treatment of all subcontractors. They comply with legal obligations regarding anti-money laundering prevention.
Fight against corruption
Our suppliers reject all forms of corruption or bribery. In line with the guidelines of Transparency International and the OECD, our suppliers promote integrity, transparency, and responsible leadership within the company.
Trade sanctions and export control
Our suppliers commit to complying with the economic sanctions laws and regulations of the United Nations, the European Union, and national legislation concerning economic sanctions and embargoes.


Handling of information

Data protection
In addition to general confidentiality regulations, our suppliers commit to handling personal data responsibly and confidentially in accordance with GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation).
Intellectual property and confidential information
Our suppliers commit to respecting and acknowledging confidential information and intellectual property belonging to customers, suppliers, and employees.


Social and environmental responsibility

Human rights
Our suppliers respect and support internationally recognized human rights.

Prohibition of child and forced labor

Our suppliers ensure compliance with the prohibitions on child labor as per the conventions of the ILO and the United Nations.

Non-discrimination and equal opportunities

Any discrimination against employees based on race, ethnic origin, gender, age, nationality, social background, disability, sexual orientation, religion, or belief is rejected by our suppliers. At the same time, our suppliers promote equal opportunities for all employees in recruitment, remuneration, access to training and development, promotion, termination of employment, or retirement.

Labor rights

Our suppliers uphold fundamental labor rights based on the respective applicable national legislation. The freedom of assembly and association of employees is recognized to the extent legally permissible under national provisions. Our suppliers adhere to applicable national laws and labor standards regarding fair remuneration and maximum working hours.

Health and safety at the workplace

Our suppliers ensure that occupational safety and health protection are ensured within the framework of national regulations. Our suppliers take responsibility for a safe and healthy working environment.


Environmental protection and energy management

For our suppliers, sustainable environmental and climate protection, as well as resource efficiency, are important corporate objectives. All products manufactured along our suppliers' supply chain must meet the environmental standards of their market segment. This includes the entire product life cycle as well as all materials used. Chemicals and other substances that may pose a risk to the environment upon release must be identified. Hazardous substance management must be established for them, so that they can be safely handled, transported, stored, recycled, or reused, and disposed of through appropriate procedures. All national environmental regulations must be complied with by our suppliers. The aim is to minimize environmental pollution and the consumption of natural resources, as well as to improve overall energy efficiency.

Handling of conflict minerals:

For conflict minerals such as tin, tungsten, tantalum, and gold, as well as for other raw materials such as cobalt, our suppliers establish processes in accordance with the guidelines of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) to fulfill due diligence obligations to promote responsible supply chains for minerals from conflict and high-risk areas, and also expect this from their suppliers.


Bad Berleburg, January 2023



Supplier Sustainability Policy
