Corporate Policy
Integrity and Credibility
Our code of conduct is based on internationally recognized standards for sustainable and ethical business practices. As part of the company's internal risk management and through the publication of this code of conduct, the company's management, as well as employees at all levels, commit to the general principles of action and behavior outlined below to ensure compliance in all activities.
Consistent application is ensured through the assigned responsibility and policy authority of the managing directors and appointed department heads. The following guidelines thus serve as a guideline for all employees and must be consistently adhered to. By communicating this guideline to our business partners, we strive to ensure that the implementation of this code of conduct is also enforced in our supply chain.
This code of conduct applies to the entire business area of identytag GmbH. We are committed to promoting compliance with the contents of this code of conduct among its suppliers and throughout the entire value chain, to the extent feasible within their respective capacities and areas of influence.
Compliance with Laws
All applicable laws, regulations, and other relevant legal provisions of the respective legal systems at national and international levels must be complied with.
Code of Conduct towards Competitors, Business Partners, and Third Parties
Wettbewerbs- und Kartellrecht
Wir verhalten uns fair im Wettbewerb und beachten die geltenden Kartellgesetze. Wir vermeiden Interessenkonflikte in Bezug auf die Wahrung herrschender Normen zur fairen Geschäftstätigkeit und der fairen Werbung, sowie der Gleichbehandlung aller Nachunternehmen. Die gesetzlichen Verpflichtungen zur Geldwäscheprävention werden eingehalten.
Bekämpfung von Korruption
Wir lehnen sämtliche Formen von Korruption oder Bestechung ab. Im Sinne der Richtlinien von Transparency International und der OECD fördern wir integres Handeln, Transparenz und verantwortliche Führung im Unternehmen.
Handelssanktionen und Ausfuhrkontrolle
Das Unternehmen verpflichtet sich, die Wirtschaftssanktionsgesetze und Verordnungen der Vereinten Nationen, der Europäischen Union und der nationalen Gesetzgebung zu Wirtschaftssanktionen und Embargos einzuhalten.
Competition Law and Antitrust Regulations
We conduct ourselves fairly in competition and adhere to applicable antitrust laws. We avoid conflicts of interest concerning the observance of prevailing norms for fair business practices and fair advertising, as well as the equal treatment of all subcontractors. Legal obligations regarding anti-money laundering prevention are upheld.
Fighting against Corruption
We reject all forms of corruption or bribery. In line with the guidelines of Transparency International and the OECD, we promote integrity, transparency, and responsible leadership within the company.
Trade Sanctions and Export Control
identytag commits to complying with the economic sanctions laws and regulations of the United Nations, the European Union, and national legislation concerning economic sanctions and embargoes.
Handling of information
Data Protection
In addition to general confidentiality regulations, the company commits to handling personal data responsibly and confidentially in accordance with the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation).
Intellectual Property and Confidential Information
Employees of the company are obligated to respect and acknowledge agreements regarding the treatment of confidential information and intellectual property. The same may be required of suppliers and contractors if necessary. Products, as well as ideas and improvements to products developed within the company, remain its property. We ensure that no contractor applies plagiarism and that no conflicts of interest arise. If employees, suppliers, and contractors have access to our company's confidential information or intellectual property, they are obligated to protect and handle it confidentially.
Financial Responsibility and Disclosure of Information
The business activities and transactions carried out by our company are documented in accordance with applicable standards, laws, and internal procedures. All accounts and records must accurately reflect the transactions and events and comply with generally accepted accounting principles.
Principles of Social and Environmental Responsibility
Social Responsibility Social responsibility is an essential component of value-oriented corporate management and a key factor for sustainable business success.
Human Rights Our company respects and supports internationally recognized human rights.
Prohibition of Child and Forced Labor The prohibitions on child labor are upheld in accordance with the conventions of the ILO and the United Nations.
Non-Discrimination and Equal Opportunities We do not tolerate discrimination against employees based on race, ethnic origin, gender, age, nationality, social background, disability, sexual orientation, religion, or belief. At the same time, we promote equal opportunities for all employees in recruitment, remuneration, access to training and development, promotion, termination of employment, or retirement.
Labor Rights
The freedom of assembly and association of employees is recognized to the extent legally permissible under national provisions. The company complies with applicable national laws and labor standards regarding fair remuneration and maximum working hours.
Health and Safety at the Workplace
Occupational safety and health protection are ensured in accordance with ASiG and DGUV. Our company takes responsibility for a safe and healthy working environment.
Environmental Protection and Energy Management
Sustainable environmental and climate protection, as well as resource efficiency, are important corporate goals for us. All national environmental regulations must be complied with. Our aim is to minimize environmental pollution and the consumption of natural resources, as well as to improve overall energy efficiency. All employees and contractors, as well as service providers at our locations and at our customers, are required to work in an energy-efficient manner and to avoid unnecessary resource consumption.
Consumer Interests
Where consumer interests are affected, the company adheres to regulations for consumer protection.
Social Engagement The company contributes to the social and economic development of the country and region in which it operates.
Whistleblowing and Protection against Retaliation
If employees are confronted with an ethical problem, they must inform their direct or indirect supervisor or the management accordingly. They give their supervisor sufficient time to provide advice or take appropriate action. It is the responsibility of supervisors and leaders of our company to help employees in difficult situations find solutions. In case of doubt, the HR department or an external consultant should be consulted. Employees who report a violation of the rules of this code of conduct in good faith and selflessly should not expect sanctions.
Compliance with the Code of Conduct
Our company makes all appropriate and reasonable efforts to continuously implement and apply the principles and values described in this code of conduct. The company familiarizes its employees with the contents regulated in this code of conduct and explains the resulting obligations. The company communicates the principles of the code of conduct to its business partners.
Bad Berleburg, January 2023
Edwin M. Geertsema, GM